Become a member
Membership of the Conservative Party is based on membership of your local Conservative Association or branch. Being a member of South Lanarkshire Conservative Association means that you have joined the most open and democratic political party in Great Britain. It is for you to decide how active a member you wish to become. Many members support our political and campaigning activities; others choose to support our social and fund raising; some support us through their subscription alone.
After the first three months of your membership, you will be entitled to vote at all general meetings of the Association and/or branch and in all national ballots of the Conservative Party. You will also have a vote and indeed have the opportunity to put yourself forward in the selection of candidates as local Members of Parliament, Members of the Scottish Parliament, and local Councillors. You will also have a chance to influence Party policy by letting us know your views at Conservative Policy Forum events.
Any person living in the United Kingdom is eligible to join the Conservative Party. Applicants are not required to be registered voters or UK nationals. There is no upper or lower age limit on membership, although prospective members under the age of 15 cannot be enrolled as full voting members.
There are several ways you can join us.
You can pay by using this PayPal link. There is no minimum or maximum subscription level, with the recommended payments of £25 for over 25s and £5 for under 25 year olds.
If you would prefer to pay by standing order, cash or cheque, you can download and complete the membership form from the link below.
Forms and cheques should be sent to:
South Lanarkshire Conservatives
West of Scotland Conservative Office
570 Mosspark Boulevard
G52 1SD
Please include your full name and address and make cheques payable to South Lanarkshire Conservatives
If you have any questions please email [email protected].