From Graham Simpson MSP
This is a brief note to tell you that a planning application has been submitted to build 19 houses at the site of the Stewartfield Farm in Dunrobin Drive.
This will not be a surprise but I know that many of you will have strong feelings about this, given the history of the site the iconic nature of the building which would be demolished to make way for houses.
The applicant is: EK Landco Ltd., 121 Moffat Street, Glasgow, G5 0ND
The application reference number is EK/17/0073 and you can use this to look up the details on the council’s website.
If you wish to comment on a planning application, you can do so by any of the following:
- Using the Council's website at where you can submit comments directly through the application using the 'Search Applications' button
- Sending an email to [email protected]
- Writing to Planning and Economic Development, Montrose House, 154 Montrose Crescent, Hamilton ML3 6LB
Comments should be made by 24 March 2017
Some examples of material considerations that are valid planning considerations and which can be taken into account are listed below:
- Policies and proposals in the local development plan/strategic development plan
- Layout and density of development
- Design, appearance, materials
- Overlooking/loss of privacy
- Loss of light or overshadowing
- Drainage/infrastructure
- Effect on character of listed buildings or conservation areas
- Nature conservation
- Parking
- Road safety
- Traffic generation
- Noise and disturbance
- Odours
- Government policy
Invalid planning considerations
The following examples are not material considerations and cannot be taken into consideration when assessing a planning application:
- Loss in the value of your house or property as a result of the development
- An opinion that there is no need for the development e.g. having enough hot food take-aways in the area already
- Boundary or neighbour disputes
- Loss of a private view
- Health issues
- Commercial/business competition
- The identity of the applicant